Recognise boosts rates on 95 Day Notice Accounts for business and personal savers

Both 95 Day Notice Accounts now pay 3.00% AER, matching the Bank Base Rate.

Recognise Bank has passed on last week’s 75bps Base Rate rise in full to its Business 95 Day Notice Account and Personal 95 Day Notice Account, so savers with either account will now earn 3.00% AER, the same as the current Bank of England interest rate.

Recognise says it’s improving rates on the two accounts to help people make more of their savings during the current challenging economic climate. In addition to offering a competitive rate, both 95 Day Notice Accounts are FSCS protected up to the maximum of £85,000 and are simple to open and easy to manage online.

Dean Carter, Group Treasurer of Recognise Bank, said: “The savings market is very dynamic at the moment and we feel our 95 Day Notice Accounts are a good balance for personal or business savers who want to earn a decent rate, but don’t want to lock their money away for too long.

“It’s ideal for anyone saving for a short-term goal, such as a business paying off a bill, or a consumer putting money aside for an upcoming purchase.”

In addition to online management, all Recognise Bank Savings Account have telephone customer service support if required.